About Me


As a curious soul, I’m passionate about subject matter surrounding environmental sustainability, whole living, outdoor recreation, wildlife preservation, travel and social issues.

In everything that I write, I strive for quality through careful research and a sincere and clever writing style.

In regards to professional endeavours, I was previously the editor-in-chief for Kootenay Living Magazine, I was editor of two weekly community newspapers, the Associate Editor of the city publication Avenue Magazine (Edmonton) and the Communications Specialist for the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) – Alberta Region. With over a decade of experience, I’ve honed my voice as a writer and have a vast understanding of the demands of various mediums.

My Style & My Story

Exploring the world and the people who occupy it is what fuels the creativity and content of my writing. Daily interactions with interesting people, meetings with old friends, collaborating with my family of six, encounters with strangers – I am constantly learning about new concepts and ideas through these exchanges.

What else? I grew up in Kelowna. It’s a place where my roots hold a special place of a childhood spent surrounded by family and many hours submerged in the picturesque Okanagan Lake eating fresh peaches from the tree. I’ve since lived in three of the four western provinces, and grown to love many cities and communities in these locations.

My family and I have landed in Campbell River on Vancouver Island where the air is salty and the landscape is a true inspiration. We are busy working, playing and exploring with our son Oliver and daughters Hazel, Elise and Annie – and our dog Otis and his counterpart in the game of chase, Benny the cat.

For freelance work, I can be reached at the contact information below.

Associations: Professional Writers Association of Canada

Get in touch: email lynsey.c.burke@gmail.com   phone (250) 342-1460